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Sesiones de Bienestar

Welcome to Refreshed Body Mind's Wellness Solutions, where we provide a holistic approach to health and healing.


Our offerings include personalized wellness guidance, corrective exercise, yoga, meditation, health coaching, energy work, and group and individual fitness classes.


We are rooted in the belief that if you give the body half a chance, it can and will cure itself.


Join us on a journey to rejuvenate your body, mind, and spirit through natural, integrative methods that promote overall well-being and self-healing

​Holistic Pain Management

Discover how to reduce or eliminate pain and inflammation through diet, breath work, meditation, bodywork, fitness, massage and other lifestyle changes. Medications, particularly opioids, offer temporary relief but can lead to addiction and complications over time. We provide alternatives that address the root causes of pain without the risk of dependency.

Gut Health and Mental Well-Being

Recent research underscores the critical link between gut health and mental well-being. The gut-brain axis, a communication network between the gut and brain, significantly impacts overall health, including mental health. Imbalances in gut bacteria can affect mood and cognitive functions, contributing to anxiety and depression.

Preventing Falls in the Elderly

Falls are a major cause of death among the elderly. Corrective exercise strengthens intrinsic and core stabilizing muscles, addressing imbalances and enhancing postural support and mobility. Schedule a consultation to see if corrective exercise is right for you.


There are countless ways to get fit and stay fit, which can often feel overwhelming and even intimidating. At Refreshed Body Mind, we make fitness functional and fun, helping you overcome insecurities and focus on achieving your best self. Join us in transforming your fitness journey into an enjoyable and empowering experience.

Health Coaching with Refreshed Body Mind


As a Health Coach, I’m here to support you on your journey to lasting wellness. Think of me as your personal “Change Agent,” helping you set and achieve realistic health goals through a natural approach to wellness.




What I offer:


  • Personal Empowerment:

Discover the deeper reasons behind your health goals and empower yourself as the expert  of your own body and mind.


  • Challenge Identification: 

         Identify and overcome challenges that are holding you back.


  • Support & Accountability: 

         Receive continuous support and accountability as you navigate your health  journey.


  • Holistic Balance: 

         Achieve a balanced, healthy lifestyle tailored to your unique needs.

Together, we’ll explore the "whys" and "how's" behind your health choices, moving beyond surface-level dieting. We'll delve into questions like:


  •  Why do I have this excess weight?

  •  What is really holding me back from my ideal lifestyle?

  •  How can I heal my relationship with food and life?

I offer personalized programs:
  **$30 Consultation** (deducted from the program price upon signup)

Let's work together to create a health plan that fits your life.
Your path to a healthier, balanced life starts here.


Contact me to see if I’m the right fit for your health and healing journey.


group yoga

¡¿Qué industria tan interesante no dirías?!

Hay tantas maneras diferentes de ponerse y mantenerse en forma que puede ser abrumador y, a veces, incluso un poco intimidante.


Honestamente, no soy muy fanático de los gimnasios, no me malinterpreten, pueden ser muy, muy beneficiosos.

Pero la mayoría de las veces pueden estar llenos de personas que hacen cosas que no deberían estar haciéndoles a sus cuerpos en primer lugar.


Nunca he sido un aficionado a los deportes, excepto por ese verano del 98'  antes de entrar a mi tercer año en HS; cuando empezamos nuestro propio equipo femenino de fútbol rapido en mi pueblo.

¡Hombre, que momentos tan  DIVERTIDOS!


Hasta ese momento, nuestra escuela solo tenía un equipo de fútbol de niños (según el Departamento de Deportes, no había suficientes NIÑAS interesadas en el fútbol en ese momento).  Ese verano, uno de los entrenadores había visto que las chicas tenían interés en jugar y nos organizó y entrenó para jugar todo el verano con los pueblos vecinos. ¡Al regresar a la escuela, creamos una petición con más de cien cuerpos estudiantiles femeninos contados para agregar el fútbol femenino al plan de estudios! Dos años después... lo hicieron.


Entonces, ¿a dónde voy con esto? Bueno, está en nuestra naturaleza MOVERNOS. ¡Somos Seres Físicos viviendo en un plano Físico, en un Mundo Físico! ¿No tiene sentido estar en buena forma física? ¡Porque el Cuerpo Humano está diseñado y creado de tal manera que cuanto más lo Mueves, mejor se pone!


¡Pierda peso, corra un maratón, camine por un sendero, baile, haga yoga, tonifique, adelgace y fortalezca! Decidas lo que decidas... ¡SOLO MUÉVETE!


Y si tiene preguntas, inquietudes o no puede decidir cómo comenzar, reserve una consulta GRATUITA y echemos un vistazo juntos a las diferentes formas en que puedo ayudarle a USTED a alcanzar sus objetivos de acondicionamiento físico.



as if your



depended on it!


** It just might**

The Healing Power of Meditation


Meditation offers profound benefits for the body, mind, and soul, creating space for true healing and renewal. By practicing different techniques and progressing through various stages of meditation, we unlock not only incredible health benefits but also spiritual growth.


Meditation helps build consciousness and awareness—not just of our own bodies but of our connection with others and the collective energy around us. Whether experienced as a silent prayer or deep communication with your inner self and the Divine, meditation can be transformative.

Key Benefits of Meditation:


  • Relieves stress and tension

  • Improves overall health

  • Reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease

  • Promotes brain rest, supporting natural healing processes

  • Enhances quality of sleep

  • Encourages deeper, intuitive, and enlightened thoughts and connections

Join Us for Donation-Based Group Sessions

We offer monthly group meditation sessions to foster healing and spiritual growth. These sessions are donation-based and designed for everyone—whether you're new to meditation or experienced in the practice. Stay tuned for upcoming dates!

The Power of Breath

Breathing Exercises





Did you know your head weighs about 12 pounds? Now imagine the strain on your neck when your posture is off by even an inch—it adds 10 pounds of extra weight! Over time, this imbalance not only impacts your neck but ripples through your entire body.


Poor posture, especially Forward Head Posture, has been linked to a 30% reduction in lung capacity. Yes, that's a significant impact on your ability to breathe deeply! This posture also increases the curvature of the thoracic spine (where your lungs are housed), which has been shown to raise mortality rates by an alarming 144% in older adults. But the physical effects aren't the only concern.


On an energetic level, this curvature can indicate blockages in the Heart Center, often tied to deep-seated emotional pain—whether from childhood or inherited through generations. It's as if the body physically rounds itself, protecting the heart within the ribcage.


The good news? Breathwork can reverse much of this damage. Through intentional breath practices, we can open up the thoracic cavity, release tension, and expand lung capacity.


When we breathe deeply, we not only nourish the body but begin to heal on a deeper emotional and energetic level.


Join me for a short introduction to Breathwork to strengthen your posture, expand your lung capacity, and unlock the heart center. Take the first step toward healing—one breath at a time.

Pranic Healing

A Simple Yet Powerful Healing Therapy
Experience a non-touch therapy that uses prana energy to balance, harmonize, and heal your body.


Pranic Healing offers numerous benefits, including:

  • Accelerating the healing process by three times

  • Preventing the manifestation of disease

  • Promoting peace and clarity for your mental and emotional well-being

  • Clearing and energizing your body

  • Opening and aligning all major and minor chakras, as well as your inner and outer auras

  • Supporting cellular healing and organ function

  • Reducing and eliminating pain on physical, mental, and emotional levels

  • Alleviating physiological disorders and addictive behaviors


$55 for a 30-45 minute session

Interested in learning more about Pranic Healing? Visit my good friend Ada Adams at ManaByMumbi!


Energy Healing Sessions
Reiki. Pranic Healing. Guided Meditation​

Reiki Principles

Reiki: A Gentle and Healing Therapy
Reiki is a light to non-touch therapeutic modality that helps reduce stress, PTSD, and other traumas held in the body. It promotes relaxation, reduces stress, and relieves symptoms to improve overall health and well-being.


Benefits of Reiki include:

  • Inducing a meditative state

  • Supporting tissue and bone healing after injury or surgery

  • Stimulating the immune system

  • Promoting natural self-healing

  • Relieving pain and tension

  • Supporting those undergoing traditional medical treatments like chemotherapy, radiation, surgery, and kidney dialysis

Studies show that Reiki can create feelings of:

  • Peace

  • Relaxation

  • Security

  • Wellness


Reiki offers a powerful, non-invasive way to restore balance and foster healing in both body and mind.

Experience the profound benefits for yourself!

Just for Today:


I will not Anger

I will not Worry

I will be grateful for all my blessings.

I will walk with honesty and integrity.

I will be kind to all living beings.

reiki hand positions
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